Auto Repair Tools knowledge
  • What is an Camber Eccentric Screw?

    What is an Camber Eccentric Screw?

    Date: 2024/12/12 | Categories: Auto Repair Tools knowledge

    The main reason why cars use Camber Eccentric Screw is to adjust the positioning parameters of the wheels. An Camber Eccentric Screw is a special screw whose central axis does not coincide with the central axis of the screw hole. When the eccentric screw is rotated, due to its eccentric charac...
  • What is a tire grooving machine used for?

    What is a tire grooving machine used for?

    Date: 2024/12/10 | Categories: Auto Repair Tools knowledge

    1. Improve tire performance-tire grooving machine  Improved drainage: Carving patterns on the tire surface can effectively drain the accumulated water between the tire and the road. For example, when driving on rainy days, the grooves in the tire pattern can allow rainwater to pass quickly, red...
  • Can you patch a tire sidewall

    Can you patch a tire sidewall

    Date: 2024/11/20 | Categories: Auto Repair Tools knowledge

    The answer is No. The tire sidewall is a relatively weak part of the tire. Compared with the tire tread, the sidewall is more difficult to repair and requires higher safety. The tire sidewall is mainly composed of rubber and cord layer. The cord layer is woven from fiber cords, and its fu...